Call for papers and provocations

Call for papers: Workshops at the Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds
Now closed
Advanced wound care deals with chronic, complex wounds, including leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and dehisced surgical wounds. Most chronic wounds in the UK are managed by community nurses and the experience of wound care falls as much in the domain of the domestic and everyday as in that of professional medicine and healthcare. Although they are a fundamental part of everyday healthcare, the technologies associated with wounds are often considered mundane and overlooked by both researchers and practitioners, with important consequences for patients and service users.
This project connects academics from a broad range of disciplines with health professionals, patients, carers, service users and industry representatives to explore what we can learn from current and past developments in advanced wound care, from mundane dressings to increasingly technologized products which claim to enhance the healing process.
We invite proposals for research papers (20 minutes) or short provocations (5-7 minutes) which explore and reflect on the history of wound care and/or its current practices in the UK. Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to Dr Mary Madden ( by Friday 8 July 2016. The overall project seeks to explore new areas of research in the history and sociology of wound care and critically examine the current pathways to innovation in their wider context; we are looking to develop larger research projects and interdisciplinary publications.
Topics for this workshop (the first of series of three) might include:
- nursing and other professions
- the emergence and reorganisations of the NHS
- domestic and clinical wound care practices
- collaborations between industry, patients/service users and health professionals
- the role of patients and service users as innovators
- changing conceptualisations of innovation
Travel costs for speakers based in the UK will be covered thanks to support from the AHRC.
Participants include: Professor Alex Faulkner, Professor Dan Bader, Professor Christine Hallett (TBC), Professor Peter Vowden and Dr Madeleine Flanagan.
For further information visit the project website ( and twitter feed @WoundInnovation) or contact Principal Investigator Dr Mary Madden ( or Co-investigator Dr James Stark (