Join us at our third workshop 13th March 2017

Our third workshop will take place on 13th March 2017 11-4 at the Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds. It will focus on marketing, regulation and the evidence base in wound care. Speakers include Alison Hopkins (Why are we not using evidence of best practice in Leg Ulcer care?”), Jo Dumville ( ‘Rise of the machines’: widespread clinical use and lack of RCT evidence for negative pressure wound therapy), Tim Goodacre ( a plastic surgeon’s perspective on wound care), Delia Smith and Kay Walker (on public involvement in wound care research and PURSUN UK) and Claire Jones ( ‘Medicine Sells: A Brief History of Consumer Cultures in Modern Healthcare’).
Lunch is provided.
Please contact Becky Mears if you would like to attend.
We have spaces for health professionals involved in wound care, people from industry, historians, sociologists, people in the medical humanities and for patients/service users. Please do let people know. There are some funds to meet travel costs.